Mike Warren Apps

Submarine Camera 1
Mike Warren
Ever wanted to take photos underwater withyourphone ? Well now you can. Using an Aquapac bag (or similar)toprotect the phone, this simple app will let you takephotosunderwater with the volume control keys (the touch screenisunusable whilst submersed, so can't be used to control camera).It is a fairly basic app, just intended to allow takingphotosunderwater. In version 1 you can choose camera to use,flashsetting (on/off/auto) and zoom level (min/mid/max). If youwouldlike to see any other features let me know.No adverts, only camera and SD card permissions (to allow ittotake photos and save them to the SD card) and it's verycheap.Examples of waterproof bags for phones -http://store.aquapac.net/explore-product-range/waterproof-phone-cases.html
Photo Stopwatch Classic Classique 1
Mike Warren
If you were happy with version 23 of PhotoStopwatch and aren't interested in upgrades then this is foryou.Also if you want to keep up to date with any changes made to PhotoStopwatch, but also want to have a version installed that you canuse in the event of an upgrade causing a problem then this is foryou.Basically it's just a copy of version 23 of Photo Stopwatch, toallow new versions of Photo Stopwatch to be released and still giveyou the option of reverting back to version 23 if that works betterfor you.....
Photo Stopwatch 27
Mike Warren
Race timing with photos